Khaki Campbell Ducks |
Silver Appleyard Ducks |
These guys are egg laying machines and can lay up to 320 eggs a year if given the right environment. They are small and only weigh approximately 3-5 lbs. Campbells can come in three color varieties: khaki, dark and white. They are a cross a between Mallard, Rouen, and Runner ducks. Khaki Campbells become mature at approximately 7 months. They go through three stages of plumage. First is the down they hatch with. Then usually by 8 weeks they are fully feathered in juvenile colors of brown for both sexes. Then they will molt and get their adult plumage at around 16 weeks. You can voice sex campbells while still in their juvenile plumage. The females will develop a clear "quack" while the males will sound raspy and more like a "wak wak wak" rapidly, it is also much softer.
Campbells are not usually broody. So incubation is necessary to hatch eggs. Incubation takes approximately 28 days and need to be inspected for ducklings that have not emerged from their egg completely. If the humidity isnt right, then they can get stuck. I actually dry incubate, but I do not recommend that to people as every situation is different. They are good at insect control. They will chase any flying insects that fly by and eat any they see crawling around. *** Unfortunately, all of our khaki campbell breeding trios (we had 3) have been stolen. We will be looking to replace them year. ***** |
These guys are beautiful. We just got some this spring and have had a blast watching them grow. Boy are they different then the campbell's. They get so much bigger, so much faster, then the campbell's and the more beautiful they become. These are a medium sized duck good for eating as they grow rapidly and good for eggs. They lay about 200 eggs a year.